Copyright registration

Register online

Online registration is the fastest and cheapest way to submit work - your cover with us starts the moment you complete the online submission. The current charges for online registration are £51.00 for 5 years or £85.00 for 10 years per work.

During the process you will be asked to upload all the files you wish to protect. Submissions up to 20GB* in size can be made using the on-line registration system (*individual file limit is 4GB, but multiple files can be included in a single submission up to the 20GB maximum).
Once you make payment the files you uploaded are sealed as evidence of that content as it existed at that point in time.

Register your work online now

Register by post

Postal applications are ideal for larger works or items that cannot be uploaded.

The current charges for postal applications are £61.00 for 5 years or £95.00 for 10 years per work.
Media types that involve additional processing will also incur an additional fee to cover the extra time involved in processing these types of works. Please see our registration format pages for details on accepted media types and fees.

To register by post simply send full copy of your work and payment along with a completed application form F-01.

The form can either be completed online, or downloaded as a PDF file for later printing.

Complete the application form online.

Download application form F-01 in a PDF format to complete by hand.

Please see our guidance notes for more details on postal applications.

International protection

International copyright conventions (principally the Berne Convention) mean that your work is automatically protected across the world (read more).

Registration with Copyright Witness creates an independently verifiable evidence record of the work you deposit and we are happy to supply that evidence to support any case regardless of where in the world that may be. In terms of our service, it does not really matter where a case is brought - evidence is still evidence - and we place no restriction on where the evidence you store with us can be used.

For most of our clients a single registration with us is all they need [There are some additional considerations for citizens of the United States of America])

More information

If you are are new to copyright registration, or confused about how registration can help copyright owners to protect and defend their rights, please see our ‘how registration helps’ page for more information.

Copyright does not apply to names, titles, slogans or phrases. If you are require further guidance on the suitability of your work for registration please use the self assessment.

Help with registration

To guide you through the process, there is a step by step guide to registering your work.

All charges are in UK Pounds Sterling (GBP). All charges include VAT.

We accept most major credit/debit cards, and all personal details are 100% secure.